Liberty First Radio
Family-Friendly, Multi-Genre Internet Radio Station That's Dedicated To Our Nations, (USA) Troops, Veterans, First Responders, and All Involved In The US Educational System. Launched in Ohio in 2012 on Armed Forces Day Weekend in May, Now Relocated to Chicago, Illinois!!!


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Liberty First Radio

Amber Rose
Hello Military World, my name is Amber Rose. I own https://NDVLB.com - No Disabled Veteran Left Behind & I am proud to say we help all Military Members Active or Veterans by doing the paperwork for them and exposing ALL the benefits they qualify for that the government TRIES to keep a secret! I charge a one time fee instead of a Lawyer taking a large cut of your check or the VA taking years to complete your claim!
How do I know this?
Background on me:

I am a human trafficking SURVIVOR and worked with the media in multiple ways speaking the truth and exposing the what you qualify for!I worked for the VA Psychward in JAX Navy Base as a councselor for four years and became angry with the system as I saw Veterans fall to the way side as they waited for there VA Benefits!I am engaged to a Disabled Veteran and we hired a lawyer to take care of the claim and it took years and multiple denials. I also worked for the state in The Benefits Department for 2 years. I know the system inside and out and I have been successful at getting my clients 100% Disability and Concurrent Benefits that the state and VA offer but try to hide so Veterans do not apply for it, I go after each benefit you & your family qualify as there are many hidden gems.I will do a consultation with each individual and create a package of benefits you qualify for and do the work for you put it in a pretty blue envelope with our contract, ALL Forms Filled out for you, providing pre written envelopes for you to easily send each form to correct address!MY GOAL: Make it as easy as possible for the Individual to get their benefits without stress and anxiety, creating a safe place for them to talk & receive the benefits they deserve without the let down!I have lived in many areas and have been able to gain sponsorships & partnerships with VA Organizations & Committies.My educational background: Majored in Psychology & Criminology/Law Personally: Spoken on Radio Shows, Podcasts, Charity Events etc.Helping people is a passion of mine that wish to share with the world to create STABILITY Mentally, Physically,Emotionally & Financially!